Best Romance Anime Movies That Tug at the Heartstrings

Promo Photo of "Whisper of the Heart" | Promo Photo of "Weathering with You." | Source: Youtube/Crunchyroll Store Australia | Films

Romance anime movies have gained popularity in recent years. Fans of these mediums have found these movies engaging and captivating thanks to their unique storytelling as they weave tales of love, passion, and heartache that resonate universally.

Back in the day, anime movies were not popular; however, in recent years, thanks to innovation, creativity, and excellent storytelling skills, these types of films have garnered attention from far and wide.

While often light-hearted, romance anime movies also explore deeper themes, including sacrifices, heartbreak, and the personal journeys of self-discovery. If you are an anime fan, look no further; these best romance anime movies will leave you yearning for more.

'The Garden of Words'

This romance drama animation film tells the love story of two individuals. The plot focuses on a 15-year-old high school boy and a 27-year-old woman who meet by a chance encounter.

The two begin to meet frequently in a beautiful garden on rainy days. They form a deep connection as they hang out, but everything soon becomes complicated following their age difference and personal lives.

'Your Name'

These two fall in love without meeting as they try to understand the strange occurrence that makes their bodies switch. Things become more complicated when they meet in person.

'Whisper of The Heart'

"Whisper of The Heart" was released in 1995 and is among the best romance anime movies. This movie, which has earned a rating of 7.8/10 on IMDb, tells the enchanting love story between a girl with a passion for books and a boy who has previously read all the library books she selects.

As the story unfolds, the girl encounters a strange person, leading her to wonder if he might be the same "friend" she met at the library. Meanwhile, the boy's family is in the violin sales, with his grandfather running a shop, and the boy, inspired by his grandfather's work, aspires to become a violin maker just like him.

'Josee, the Tiger, and the Fish'

This animation film tells the story of Tsuneo, a university student studying biology and enamored by the ocean, who enthusiastically engages in recreational diving. He works at a diving shop to support his dream of diving abroad.

However, his life changes when he crosses paths with Josee, a moody and demanding young woman with disabilities. Their encounter leads them on a journey of compassion, inspiration, and love.

'A Silent Voice'

"A Silent Voice" storyline centers around Shoko Nishimiya, a deaf girl bullied by her classmates after being transferred to a new school, especially by a boy named Shoya Ishida.

After she transfers to another school, the boy finds himself isolated and subjected to bullying, leaving him with no friends and no clear plans for the future. However, years later, he embarks on an epic journey of self-redemption.

'Weathering With You'

In the busy city, he crosses paths with Hina, a girl with the extraordinary ability to manipulate the weather. As their relationship deepens, they soon face the unforeseen consequences of Hina's mysterious powers.

'I Want To Eat Your Pancreas'

"I Want to Eat Your Pancreas" is a family drama film that stars a high school girl named Sakura, who suffers from a terminal illness, and her ordinary classmate Haruki. As Sakura's health continues to decline, Haruki decides to assist her in fulfilling all the experiences and wishes she longs to achieve before her life ends.

The above list is just the tip of the iceberg; there are many romance anime movies that you'll find exciting and entertaining to watch. Some of these movies include, "Skip and Loafer," "My Love Story," "Romantic Killer," "Nisekoi," "Kokoro Connect," "After the Rain," "Your Lie In April," "Kamisama Kiss," among others. Additionally, this list of other romance movies with great love stories will leave you wanting more.
