Here's How George W Bush Reacted When Daughter Jenna Bush Hager Stuck Her Tongue Out in a Photo

Jenna Bush Hager recalled her father, former president George W. Bush's reaction to the infamous 2004 photo of her sticking out her tongue at reporters.

Jenna Bush Hager had many great memories growing up as a first daughter. However, one particular memory continues to haunt her from her younger days — the moment her 22-year-old self was caught on film sticking out her tongue at reporters. Jenna narrated the scene to Andy Cohen:

"I was with my dad and my sister, and I was like, 'People don't even know what's going on in here, like watch this'…'"

Giggling at the once embarrassing photo taken in 2004, Jenna revealed that she and her sister, Barbara, were always trying to get their father to laugh by endlessly harassing or teasing him.

The co-host remembered the exact moment she found out that the photo made it to the news, she was down in the hotel's gym, doing the elliptical.

She took a look at the television and was immediately shocked by what she saw. The local news had her face with a spotlight slapped right on it.

Her sister, Barbara, also had a little bit of mischief to her name, and they were so notorious that the Secret Service gave them nicknames.

Jenna was departing the St. Louis' Lambert International Airport in a presidential limousine with her sister, Barbara, when she gave the cameras a raspberry face.

After finding out that the news had picked up the photo, she raced to tell her father, former President George W. Bush, what happened. Surprisingly, her dad was not mad even a little bit. Jenna said that he found it hilarious and typical of his daughter.

It turned out that Jenna was not the only one who was up to a lot of mischief as a first daughter. Her sister, Barbara, also had a little bit of mischief to her name, and they were so notorious that the Secret Service gave them nicknames that matched their personalities.

Jenna Bush Hager and Barbara Pierce Bush at NBC universal studio on Wednesday, October 24, 2018 | Photo: Getty Images

In a March interview, Jenna revealed that the Secret Service gave Barbara the nickname "Turquoise" for her sparkling blue eyes while Jenna got "Twinkle." She was pretty convinced that Barbara got a nicer nickname than she did.

Growing up as a first daughter did have other perks besides getting cool code names from the Secret Service. For one, Jenna and her sister got to have a superb dad who did an excellent job raising them while running the country.

In another interview in February, Jenna admitted that it took one specific honest conversation with her father to understand why she needed to give up alcohol. Years down the line, that one honest conversation was one that she held very dearly.

Today, Jenna Bush Hager would not be caught sticking her tongue out at the paparazzi. However, she would most definitely be seen discussing important issues on her "Today Show," while being a superb mom to her three kids, Mila, Poppy, and Hal.
